Acupuncturist Onehunga
Physiotherapy And Acupuncture Onehunga
What Is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is the practice of placing small, very fine needles at specific points in the body. Typically, these needles are left in place for some time. It has been used for over 2,500 years and has continually developed over this period. This has led to many different styles and approaches to acupuncture.
It originated in China and spread throughout Asia. Currently it a part of the mainstream health system in China, with many large Chinese medicine hospitals throughout the country. Since the 1970s it has become a common practice in many western countries as well. It has become more and more popular in New Zealand and treatments for accident related issues are covered by ACC.
Acupuncture Treatment
Your acupuncturist may also use other therapies such as cupping (applying suction cups to the skin), moxibustion (applying heat by burning the herb mugwort on the end of the needles, over the skin or directly on the skin) gua sha (scraping of the skin) or tuina (Chinese massage) when indicated. Typically, you will not feel the needle when it is inserted into the skin, however once it hits the acupuncture point you will feel some sensation. The needles used are very fine, typically anywhere from 0.2-0.3 of a millimetre and you may feel anything from a muscular twitch to an aching, tingly or radiating sensation. Most people experience some mild discomfort but do not find it painful.
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ACC Acupuncture Treatment Providers
We are fully trained and New Zealand qualified acupuncturists, are members of Acupuncture NZ, New Zealand’s longest running acupuncture professional organisation and are registered ACC treatment providers. We maintain strict hygiene standards and only use single use, disposable needles in our treatments.
Physio & Acupuncture Treatment in Auckland
Please do not hesitate to contact us so that can work together to help you resolve your health issues. At our Auckland acupuncture clinic, we offer a combination of the best of traditional and innovative approaches for effective pain and rehabilitation treatment.