Yes, I fall into that growing group of gently ageing bodies who throw themselves into a training program, and part way through get side lined by what seems like an injury that will spell a complete end to your aims and ambitions.
In my case, this year it struck me during my training for the Waiheke Wharf to Wharf run. I’ll spare the details of my actual injury but suffice it to say I hobbled in there crippled, but walked out much more comfortable. Within a few targeted visits to Recovery Physio and my home exercise plan I’m now running further and faster than any year before and I’m so confident in my rehabilitation, that I plan on training for next years Auckland Marathon.
For those fellow road warriors or other part time ‘athletes’ like me, not only shouldn’t you hesitate to go and see these guys. You should definitely go sooner rather than later to learn how to build a stronger running style and prevent those injuries from occurring.

Iessa Clarke,Waiheke Island.